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The international distress signal

Our simple message is that if you are struggling its ok to send out a distress signal.  Or simply put:

It's ok to ask for help 

While I know this is an over simplification of very complex issue, its about starting conversations. The reality is that if you are struggling it is a massive thing to reach out.  The challenge is that if someone asks for help it is important that we look to be there.  It might be as simple as listening, giving a hug or helping someone to find the resources they need.  


Below is information on out mental health bike ride and If you are struggling there are some resources at the bottom of the page.

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Chris - Part of the Trinc story

Chris was a very close friend who lost his battle with depression. Part of the Trinc story  and in honor of Chris, a percentage of all sales will go to mental health causes. 


Our SOS range is our way of getting the message out there and is hopefully a way to create positive change.

We also have a once a month mental health bike ride, click the button below for more information


All underlined headings are links to the appropriate support page

Confidential help from health professionals and trained volunteers  

Suicide crisis Helpline 0508-828865 or text 4357 

Support resources and contact details arcoss New Zealand

Straight up answers for When life sucks

Anxiety help line 24/7 0800 269 4389

Support for youth and and young adults.  

Support for rural New Zealanders.  

Support for  anxiety and depression

Help with mastering mental health

Promoting positive attitudinal societal change around mental health and offering hope and a voice to our young people

An American rehab clinic that has some great resources on depression and also addiction as often they are linked.  I know that endurance sport is full of so many positives,  however it can be come an addiction or an unhealthy escape from other parts of life.  


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+64 21 298 8995


Trinc Clothing 2023

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